Episode 1: Introduction
Hi everyone and welcome to the very first episode of the Bible Made Easy Podcast. I’m your host Brother George. Thanks joining me.
Have you ever wondered if there really is a God or whether the Bible is true? Are you having trouble in your life and wondered if Christianity or the Bible can help you? Or are you already a believer but have never really connected to your faith, applied it to your life and enjoyed the benefits? Or maybe you’re an atheist and are simply curious about what the Bible says and why in the world anyone would want to be a Christian.
If you’re any one of the above, or anyone else interested in the Bible, then this podcast is for you.
With the Bible Made Easy Podcast I hope to share with you what I’ve learned during my 40+ years of studying and teaching the Bible as a missionary in 18 different countries as well as applying its teachings to my own personal life and experiencing the many benefits.
You know, I used to think that the Bible was some kind of difficult to understand, boring religious book, until I started to read it for myself. Also one thing that helped me a lot was that I had really great mentors who broke the Bible down for me and explained it in a such a down to earth way that a simple teenager and later young adult like me could understand. What I found was that rather then being boring and hard to understand, the Bible is fascinating. It’s a life changing, exciting, living, breathing document and it completely flipped my life right side up.
Suddenly everything regarding my personal life and the world around me, began to make sense. I had all my personal questions answered and gained a newfound purpose in life. I’m so glad I’ve built the last 40 years of my life around the Bible. And I’d love to share what I’ve learned with you.
I hope to help you discover incredible truths that will show you that God exists, that He loves you more than you could possibly imagine, and that your life can be wonderfully changed through His Word and through knowing His son, Jesus Christ.
You’ll learn who God really is, who Jesus really is, how to be forgiven for your sins and how to obtain eternal life. You’ll also learn how reading and studying the Bible and having a personal relationship with God can enhance your daily life. You’ll learn how to improve your character, how to be successful in your work and your relationships with others, how to cope with sickness, troubles and life’s problems, how to be peaceful and happy no matter what your circumstances, and how to look at society and the world around us.
You’ll also learn the answers to life’s deepest questions such as ‘What is the meaning and purpose of life?’, ‘Why does God allow evil and suffering?’ and more. We’ll also delve into and unpack the mysteries of ancient Bible prophecies that foretell the future of mankind, the end-times and the magnificent happy ending of Jesus Christ’s triumphant return to earth and His eternal reign of love over the whole universe.
You will hear the A and Z of God’s thoughts and everything in between. You’ll experience unconditional love, peace and comfort that will soothe the deepest parts of your soul. At the same time you’ll hear things you didn’t expect, things that might surprise you as well as things that will motivate you and kick start you into action for the good of yourself and others. One thing is for sure, God’s word will never bore you or put to sleep. As Isaiah 55:8-9 says:
For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, declares the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts.
So, get ready for the ride of your life. It’s gonna be an amazing!
Now to some practical aspects of this podcast and how you can engage with it.
I hope to upload one episode per week every Sunday. Each episode will be about 10 minutes long. So don’t worry I won’t be boring you to death with super long sermons!
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If you swipe up on your app or scroll down on a web streaming page you’ll find what’s called the episode show notes. This is where I’ll post extra written information such as the following:
1. The Bible references to all the verses quoted in that episode. A Bible reference tells you the name of the Bible book and the chapter and verse numbers where that particular verse is located. You’ll be able to click on the references and a link will take you to the online Bible web site biblegateway.com where you can read that particular verse or passage as well as anything else in the Bible
2. Links to any outside material or sources quoted in that episode
3. Link to my Facebook page Bible Made Easy Podcast where I’ll post notifications of new episodes as well as regular inspirational quotes and thoughts
4. Link to my web page thebiblemadeeasypodcast.com where you can read my Bible based inspirational articles
5. A link to an online audio Bible
Please note though that not all apps and web platforms support links so if you want to use them please use an app or web platform that does support links. One I highly recommend is the Podbean app or Podbean web site.
Ok everyone, well that’s all for the first episode. I’m really looking forward to you joining me on the journey. It’s my heartfelt prayer that this podcast will be a huge blessing to you and that your lives will be changed by the Bible as much as mine has.
So, until the next episode, God bless each one of you. See you next time.
pacing around or fidgeting nervously
The first three points are there to put the brakes on us acting rashly and letting anger bear bad fruit.
3. Be slow to anger: This can be seen as a combination of the first two but it can also mean that there is a time to actually display angry emotions. But before doing so we should go through steps one and two first. Open displays of anger should be used only as a last resort and only in serious or severe situations.
Of course it’s different if, for example, you’re seeing someone being mugged or robbed. In such a case it would be absolutely the right thing to do to quickly get angry at the perpetrator and yell at them or use reasonable force to stop them.
And the fourth part of the verse is a really good warning ‘for the anger of man does not produce the righteousness of God.'
We should discern if the issue is even something to be angry about and then act on our anger in a godly way, otherwise our unjustified anger or the poor way we’re acting on justified anger will just backfire and cause more problems. It won’t bring about a godly result.
Ok. And here’s the second half of Ephesians 4:26 'do not let the sun go down on your anger.'